Thursday, April 12, 2018

Small test with the Hackcube

Today I went to Hack-in-the-Box in Amsterdam and bought a Hackcube there.

The device is really cool, regarding hardware. It contains a Raspberry Pi, Arduino, 2.4 and 5 GHz Wifi chip, RFID capabilities (125 KHz and 13,56 MHz), 433 MHz and RuberDucky by default. Because they made the USB ports available you can add a SDR adaptor to the device and use SDR on the device.

When first booting the device it will broadcast the WiFi name and a small part of the MAC of the WiFi. You can connect to the device with the default password: 'hackcube12'. Once connected the Raspberry Pi running Kali is available at: Usename is root and password is hackcube.

It also run nginx and host a small web application. Which offer some capabilities, but those are quite buggy. The software is OpenSource, but to what extent it is Opensources (are all the Firmwares opensource?) is not clear yet. (this is a very pre-Alpha build still). From the Webapplication you are able to interact with: WiFi, 'NFC' (RFID), RFI (433 MHz) and HID injection. I was not able to get all of the functions working, but most of the demo stuff seems to be working.

The source code will be made available at
Also see for more information.

On this blog I will write more about the device and research how it exactly works and how it is built. It really looks like a nice hardware concept, let see what this project brings us in the future!

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